Davidson Trauma Scale
Each of the following questions pertains to a specific symptom. Consider, for each question,
how many times the symptom has bothered you and with what intensity, during the past week,
taking into account the following criteria:
0 = Never
1 = Sometimes
2 = 2-3 times
3 = 4-6 times
4 = Daily
0 = Never
1 = Sometimes
2 = 2-3 times
3 = 4-6 times
4 = Daily
0 = None
1 = Mild
2 = Moderate
3 = Severe
4 = Extreme
0 = None
1 = Mild
2 = Moderate
3 = Severe
4 = Extreme
1.- Have you ever experienced painful images, memories, or thoughts of the event?
2.- Have you ever had nightmares about the event?
3.- Have you ever felt like the event was happening again? Like you were reliving it?
4.- Has anything bothered you that reminded you of it?
5.- Have you experienced physical manifestations due to memories of the event? (Includes sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, or diarrhea)?
6.- Have you been avoiding any thoughts or feelings about the event?
7.- Have you been avoiding doing things or being in situations that reminded you of the event?
8.- Have you been unable to remember important parts of the event?
9.- Have you had difficulty enjoying things?
10.- Have you felt distant or disconnected from people?
11.- Have you been unable to feel sadness or affection?
12.- Have you had difficulty imagining a long life and achieving your goals?
13.- Have you had difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep?
14.- Have you been irritable or had outbursts of anger?
15.- Have you had difficulties with concentration?
16.- Have you felt nervous, easily distracted, or stayed "on guard"?
17.- Have you been nervous or easily startled?